Monday, 23 May 2011

My Stuart Turner No 9 Restoration #1

Restoration part #1

The engine has been taken apart as you can see, the oak base has been stripped and french polished, the box bed given a fresh coat of paint and the sole plate which was originally finished by only hand tool, spent yesterday afternoon in my milling machine and was sorted out a little more , now after a coat of green paint it back on the box bed , next job is to await until the paint hard and then I will sort out the studs. 

To be continued....

Sunday, 22 May 2011

My Minnie (a long term project)

My Minnie (this is a  long term project)
This is what the traction engine will look like once completed by Lc Mason

Stuart Turner Steam Boiler Feed Pump (in construction)

Steam Boiler Feed Pump (in construction)

The Steam Boiler Feed Pump is a most interesting model to build requiring good workmanship. The pumping...
Length: 6 Inches.

My Stuart Triple (in construction)

 My Stuart Triple ( in construction)
Model Description:

The Stuart Triple is a very accurate model of a marine steam engine. It comes complete with working reverse gear, feed pump and condenser vacuum pump and is ideal for a scale steamer or tug, being a delight to watch under steam.

Height     6 Inches.
Discwheel Diameter     2 1/4 Inches.
Cylinder Bores     3/4 Inch, 1 1/4 Inches & 1 3/4 Inches.
Cylinder Stroke     1 Inch.

My Stuart Turner No 9 Restoration

 My Stuart Turner No 9 Restoration
Engine description
The Stuart No.9 is regarded by many as the most attractive engine in the Stuart range. The No.9 is typical of the large powerful Steam Engines installed in factories and mills to provide power.
As a steaming model or a static display the Stuart No.9 is a fine example of model engineering.
Length     11 Inches.
Flywheel Diameter     5 Inches.
Cylinder Bore     1 1/2 Inches.
Cylinder Stroke     1 1/2 Inches.

MY Stuart Turner Victoria Restoration

Stuart Turner Victoria  Restoration Part #1
Engine description:-

The Stuart Victoria follows closely the design of low pressure horizontal engines used throughout the nineteenth century, to provide power in workshops and factories. The large flywheel allows the engine to run smoothly at low speeds where the long elegant stroke can be appreciated.
Length     15 1/2 Inches.
Flywheel Diameter     7 Inches.
Cylinder Bore     1 Inch Diameter.
Cylinder Stroke     2 Inches

As it comes from Stuart Turner

Saturday, 21 May 2011

My Stuart Turner 10V rebuild

 My Stuart 10V rebuild. Part #1
Engine description:- 

Stuart 10V Fully Machined Kit
Height: 6 Inches.
Flywheel Dia.: 3 Inches Diameter.
Bore: 3/4 Inch.
Stroke: 3/4 Inch.
Stuart Models web site 10V details 

Background info:-
I bought this back in 1986 for about £90.00 as a fully machined kit from Stuart Turner to be finished by hand tools.
I built the engine up and ran it under steam a couple of time, since then it has been on my book case collecting dust.

This is my Stuart 10v with reversing gear fitted, drain cocks and pipe work mounted on a oak base.

The work which I have just carried out on this engine  has been to strip it completely down, then I  re-painted the engine (the green is slightly darker than the photo shows ),I  then clean and polish all the parts before reassembling the engine.

Future planned work ( part 2):-
To add oil cups to the main bearing, lag the cylinder in wood, change the configuration of the pipe work adding into it a steam stop valve and also pipe work to the cylinder drain cocks.